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Pinnacle Honor Society (4-year degree program) and Spire Honor Society (2-year degree program) are both dedicated to honoring nontraditional students for their outstanding academic achievement, at colleges and universities across the country. 

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Chartered Institutions

Pinnacle (4-year degree programs) and Spire (2-year degree programs) are honor societies that recognize non-traditional students. With over 150 chartered institutions on more than 175 campuses, Pinnacle and Spire honorees can be found in every corner of our nation.


Pinnacle & Spire Chapter Members are committed to building a foundation for success for their nontraditional students. Starting a Pinnacle and/or Spire Honor Society chapters can have an positive impact on your campus. This is a great opportunity for you to stand out, and a great compliment to your adult learner program. Don't just say you support nontraditional students, show that you support nontraditional students by becoming a Pinnacle and/or Spire Honor Society Chapter Member today!


There is no cost to the institution for creating and maintaining a Pinnacle and/or Spire Chapter.

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Pinnacle Honor Society recognizes nontraditional students enrolled in 4-year degree programs for the peak of their academic careers. Pinnacle chapter memberships are issued to accredited colleges and universities which, in turn, select outstanding adult and other non-traditional seniors and "rising seniors" for recognition at the local and national level. 


While Pinnacle sets minimal standards for selecting students to be honored, Pinnacle permits each chapter member to define "non-traditional" according to its local definition. This approach yields a vast array of truly non-traditional students who are honored each year all across the country. Each student selected for recognition through membership in Pinnacle will receive an honor cord, lapel pin, a diploma seal, and an official membership certificate.


Students selected for membership can either become part of a locally organized chapter or simply be named to the National Chapter. The locally created and registered/recognized student organizations take every imaginable form. Some are honor societies in the strictest sense of the word, existing solely to honor their members. Others meet campus social needs, leadership needs, even activism needs on some campuses.

Spire Honor Society

Spire is the most important national honor society for non-traditional students enrolled in 2-year academic programs, Spire was founded for the purpose of recognizing the unique achievements of adult and other non-traditional students enrolled in Associates Degree programs.


The founders of Spire noticed that non-traditional students, who are typically less involved in campus life, often married, and usually employed while attending college, were rarely selected for campus honor societies. It seems that the typical lifestyle and daily responsibilities of these students prevented them from being widely considered for membership in most campus academic, service, and leadership honor societies, thereby preventing their non-traditional students the career-enhancing advantages of such membership.

Spire was created to provide adult (defined as at least 23 years old or older) and other non-traditional students (such as young single parents, handicapped students, students who earn degrees while working full-time, international students, and other similarly situated students) with the same level of recognition which outstanding traditional students have always received.

Adult Students
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© 2025 by  Pinnacles &Spire Honor Societies. Proud partner of the Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education (

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